Edgeworth Heights Public School

Respect - Responsibility - Strive

Telephone02 4958 1180


School hours

Photo of students using a laptop computer outside.

Please don't allow students to arrive early – you are strongly urged not to allow your child to enter the school grounds before 8:25am.  If you need to drop your child a few minutes early they are required to sit quietly under the Infants COLA until teaching staff arrive and ring the 8:25am bell.

Students arriving after 9am must report to the administration office with their parent/carer. Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained to the school the same way as other forms of absence. 

If students need to leave school early, parents must present to the office to have their child signed out.

At 2:55pm, students line up in designated areas depending on their method of travel. These lines are known as: 

  • Parent Pick-up and Top Gate - Crest Ave
  • Kiss and Ride
  • Edgeworth Bus
  • Holmesville Bus and Fair Play OOSH
  • Active OOSH
  • Side Gate - Ridley Street
  • Bike Riders

Teachers will accompany students to the school gates and crossing areas and observe that students follow dismissal behaviour guidelines.

Out Of School Hours (OOSH) Care

Students attending either of our OOSH providers are required to line up in the designated OOSH area at the 2:50pm bell. 

  • Active OOSH Cameron Park  0409 286 959
  • Fair Play OOSH Edgeworth 0414 341 140

Bus information